When I first met our new mustang "Jack", he was a curious and amicable fellow. Sweet tempered, attentive, and interested to meet the new 'people' that had entered his circle. It was my first close-up introduction to a mustang who had been bred in the wilderness where only God and the "wilds" did the hard work of design. I admit, there is just something magical about the untamed, unbroken, uncultured, uninhibited, and un-tampered with raw things in this life, and Jack carried that same wonder for me. It was all symbolized like an alien language in that mustang brand emblazoned across his neck.
I cling tightly to the few things that remain truly, "Wild" and beautiful in their design these days. There aren't many physical frontiers left in this life and so personally, I tend to cling to the ones that remain within my reach here in Colorado--wilderness, my kids, and wild horses. I do understand the tensions between farmers, ranchers, and those protecting mustangs and their right to roam, but I admit, deep down inside, I believe that some animals are intended to remain wild while others are intended to be harnessed and brought into a life of service to mankind. The balance of each and the proper numbers will always be debated in endless circles like so many other polarizing arguments these days, but rather than linger there, let's get back to Jack.
His owners had taken great care of him, and he was in perfect shape and well-mannered, but just a little rough around the edges. It was obvious that he had undergone quite a bit of training before his owners graciously donated him to Mountains Move. Still, it has been several years in which he has not been ridden, so the mustang in him comes out occasionally. Jack is ours now, to steward and train as we endeavor to turn this handsome fella into a powerful, safe, and reliable trail horse.
I'm continually struck by the spiritual and life analogies in it all. Here is a beautiful animal--plucked from the wilds, brought into civilization through what must have been a challenging experience--placed into the home of loving humans, where he is taught the power of trust. He is an animal brought from unconstrained freedom but a life of daily survival--into a covenant that trades that freedom for submission, danger for safety, and the daily fight for survival for love and protection. And all it costs him is trust. But what a hard thing for an animal that has had to fight for himself.
Can you see the same thread in your own life? Foster family situations? The lives of troubled veterans? Of course, wild is beautiful. But wild horses, like a piece of art, can only be experienced from afar. And I'm not sure remaining 'wild' is true to our purpose. A powerful animal that trusts its master learns to submit to a caring hand, and becomes a useful instrument to humanity. Now there is a force to be reckoned with...when purpose is finally aligned through faith.
A wild horse like Jack, taught to trust, can be used to heal broken hearts, climb mountains, pull heavy loads, tame wild places, and travel great distances. What a beautiful story that brings in all of the wonders of the Gospel...faith, hope, and love...all made available through the grand lesson of TRUST. I am so excited to see how God is working through Mountains Move, to shape the lives of veterans, foster families, young men and women, and even our staff.
Join us on this amazing journey and consider volunteering, giving through our donations page, or just encouraging us as we climb mountains that demand so many footholds. Through horses like Jack, and the ministry opportunities available to us through a partnership with Deer Valley Ranch, the team at Mountains Move is striving to make the world a better place. With a few wild animals, we can heal a "herd" of hurting people. But we need devoted supporters to join us in our cause. See how you can support us here.