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Warrior summits 

A 6-day small group retreat focused on healing, building community with other veterans who have "been there," and walking forward in your God-given calling. A blend of rest, adventure, and mentorship, this program is designed to restore and encourage our nation’s service members and strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ - the foundation for healing and life-long purpose. Intended for active duty, guard, reserve and veterans of all services.

Veteran Summits
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The Journey

Jesus demonstrated a pattern of retreat, prayer, and return to society for powerful ministry. Whether you're processing traumatic experiences in service, dealing with PTSD, career transition, a big decision, or relational struggles...this week in the wilderness provides fresh perspective with one-on-one mentorship. A six-day, tailorable experience focused specifically on you, the Journey is for one individual guest whom we pair with a veteran mentor. This is the perfect program for anyone needing focused time away to 'walk off their war'. This is not a group program.

"The time I spent with Mountains Move was the best I’ve spent in a decade. Through a very personal and emotional week, I found peace, renewed confidence, and the strengthening of my faith. Through their guidance I rediscovered my purpose."    - Steve

"My journey with Mountains Move will forever be a milestone week in the timeline of my life...I am so grateful to the Lord for His miracles and how the  entire Mountains Move team enabled me to heal, while letting go of so much that was holding me back in my life. My pause on purpose came at the perfect time!"    - Journey Guest

"God just destroyed a stronghold for me--I feel amazing." - Journey Guest

The Journey
Ridgeline Retreats

Ridgeline Retreats

The Ridgeline Retreat is tailored to the unique needs of teams, small groups, and military families with teens. These 4-6 day retreats emphasize team building, strengthening resiliency, and building relationships.

"It was a monumental weekend for our family.  We have five adopted boys and one foster girl...We loved every minute at the ranch and have implemented lessons we learned from Jack the Mustang."    - Wendy

Mustang and Rescue Horse Project

With over 36,000 Mustangs in holding facilities in the United States and hundreds of rescue horses in various adoption programs, we see an opportunity to leverage the power of equine experiences in our programs.  As we adopt, train, and steward the animal, we discover abundant spiritual, physical, and emotional analogies that exist in a life with horses.  We intend to develop an adoption and training pipeline for mustangs available through a partnership with the Bureau of Land Management. As we get the word out about these beautiful animals and incorporate them into our own herd, the story of their resilience will serve our veterans and guests in amazing ways.

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Mustang & Rescue Horse Program
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